Real Time Live Simulation, 2023, Dimensions Variable
Machinic Animism is an ongoing project whose proposition is simple: ideas, concepts and futures are beings with their own agency that exist in an ecosystem, this ecosystem is one in which they are predators, prey, spawn, and mates. Taking the ontological turn in philosophy that De Castro and Kohn have espoused - in which plants, animals, spirits, AI and people, are ontologically human, but epistemologically different, I extend this idea that even thoughts and concepts that are cohesive enough to withstand rational pressure will have an a life that this work will attempt to reveal.
Working with the Unity game engine, and condensing game behaviors to as a minimal set of instructions possible, as more hyperstitional futures are uncovered in current and future works, the more populated this enviroment will become.
The only future worth working towards is one in which we are accelerating towards animism.